SFTRI Campus, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India
0674-2386084, 2386016 webmail@ofsdp.org
Odisha Forestry Sector Development Society

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OFSDS looking forward with its Project Director

Shri Lalit Kumar Tewari, IFS(RR-1986), Project Director OFSDP is promoted to the grade of Principal Chief conservator of Forests and posted in situ as Project Director, OFSDP as per the Government of Odisha G.A. & P.G Department Notification No 825/AIS dated 9th January 2019. He has joined as PCCF(Projects)-cum-PD, OFSDP on 9th January 2019. He took over the charges from Mr.Susanta Nanda, IFS on 5th September'2017 vide order 1F(A)81/2017/17936/F&E/Dated:28th August2017. The staff members of OFSDP and AJY welcomed Mr.Tewari, who called on a meeting with the staff member in his chamber immediately after taking over as the Project Director, OFSDS. He has a vast experience in the Forest and Environment Department and held many other important position including the Regional Chief Conservator of Forests, Sambalpur as his last position. He has travelled many foreign countries and proved his mettle as a senior bureaucrat in the national and international arena.


The Orissa Forestry Sector Development Society is registered under Societies Act bearing registration no 22321/49 of 2006-07 by the Registrar of Societies, Odisha at Cuttack.

Odisha Forestry Sector Development Society (OFSDS) has been constituted as an autonomous organisation under Forest Environment and Climate Change Department, primarily for the implementation of Odisha Forestry Sector Development Project (OFSDP) which was implemented from 2006-07 up to 2014-15 with financial assistance from JICA i.e. Japan International Cooperation Agency (formerly known as JBIC - Japan Bank of International Cooperation). Presently, the society is implementing OFSDP Phase-II, Ama Jangala Yojana (AJY) and OFSDS-OMBADC Projects. The Society has a High Power Committee headed by Chief Secretary, Odisha with other 14 members and 07 members in the Governing Body chaired by ACS, FE&CC Department. The Project Director, OFSDS is the Member Secretary for both the above committees.

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