Exposure visit of officials of Nagaland Forestry Management Project, Nagaland
A six- day Exposure Visit cum Capacity Building Training was organised on Management of Integrated and Particpatory Forest Management organised for the Project Officials of Nagaland Forest Management Project, Govt of Nagaland funded by JICA by XIM University, Bhubaneswar in collaboration with IIM, Sambalpur.
The PCCF Projects and Project Director, OFSDS was invited on 20th April, 2022 to deliberate on OFSDP II Project Management– Learnings and Experiences and the OFSDP II – Monitoring Processes. The first session on OFSDP II Project Management– Learnings and Experiences was delivered by Mr. Subrat Kar, State Program Manager (CID) and the next session was delivered on OFSDP II – Monitoring Processes by Mr. Sudhansu Khora, IFS, Deputy Project Director (CMES). The clarifications were made by the PCCF Projects and Project Director, OFSDS.
Apart from delivering the speech during the inaugural session, the PCCF Projects and Project Director, OFSDS highlighted on the Learnings and Experiences of OFSDP, Phase-I and Phase-II to the particpating forest officials. She deliberated on the importance of resource mobilisation, advance project planning, initiation of capacity building and other training programmes at field level. She also emphasized on developing training modules on project components and simultaneous utilisation of GIS, MIS technology. She emphasized on the diversity of JICA forest projects which keeps communty at the core of the implementation plan and urged all to engage the community with a positive approach for smooth implementation of the forestry and livelihood components.
Earlier the NFMP team visited Arachua VSS of Sadangi Filed Management Unit under Dhenaknal Forest Dvision and operational in the 4th Batch of OFSDP-II . The team of officials interacted with the community members of the VSS and filed fucntionaries to take a first hand glimpse of the OFSDP-II project operations
Later, the Project Offcials of Nagaland Forest Management Project visited the Geomatic Lab at Project Management Unit of OFSDS on 22nd April 2022. The inputs and deliberations were highly appreciated by the visiting officers.