14th Kalinga Herbal Fair organised by Odisha State Medicinal Plant Board at Janata Maidan, Bhubaneswar from 8th March to 14th March, 2022
The Odisha Forestry Sector Development Society (OFSDS) participated in the 14th State Level Kalinga Herbal Fair 2021-22 from 8th March to 14th March 2022. The fair was organized by State Medicinal Plant Board, Government of Odisha at Janta Maidan, Bhubaneswar for seven days. The exhibition-cum-sale counter in the 14th State Level Kalinga Herbal Fair 2021-22 had witnessed participation of seven Territorial Forest Divisions of OFSDP-II and AJY projects of Odisha Forestry Sector Development Society. The Odisha Forestry Sector Development Society stall represented by OFSDP, Phase-II and Ama Jangala Yojana was inaugurated jointly by Dr. Devidutt Biswal, PCCF and Director Mines and Dr. Meeta Biswal, PCCF (Projects) & Project Director, OFSDS.
The OFSDS ensured display of project activities and achievements in the exhibition. As many as 18 Self Help Groups operationalized under OFSDP-II and Ama Jangala Yojana participated in the event. Total 28 members of 15 Self Help Groups representing the Vana Surakhya Samitis of OFSDP-II and AJY Divisions viz. Athamallik, Baripada, Rairangpur, Jharsguda and Phulbani, under OFSDS took part in the Herbal Fair during the seven days’ exhibition.

Dr. Meeta Biswal, IFS, PCCF (Projects) & PD, OFSDS, Shri Debidutta Biswal, IFS, Director (Mines), Odisha and Shri Atul Jindal, IFS (Retd.), CMRV Expert, PMC, OFSDS inaugurated the Stalls of OFSDP-II and AJY Divisions under Odisha Forestry Sector Development Society at the 14th State Level Kalinga Herbal Fair 2021-22.

PCCF (Projects) & PD, OFSDS interacting with the community level participants representing Self Help Groups and VSSs of OFSDP-II and AJY at the 14th State Level Kalinga Herbal Fair 2021-22.

OFSDS stall was adjudged as the Number One stall in the Government Category in the 14th State Level Kalinga Herbal Fair 2021-22, organised by the State Medicinal Plant Board from 8th to 14th March 2022 at Janata Maidan, Bhubaneswar.