Project Components
The project has the following components:
- Livelihood Promotion
- Convergence with line Departments
- Promotion of Income Generating Activities
- Development of multi- product Clusters
- Business Development Service
- Institution Building and Capacity Building
Major Activities
The major activities to be initiated under the OFSDS- OMBADC for initiation of the Project are as follows:
- Community Mobilization and Institution Building
- Constitution / Reconstitution / strengthening of VSSs General Body and Executive Committee
- Sensitization on JFM Mode of Implementation
- Discussion on Roles and Responsibilities of all Stakeholders
- Book Keeping & Record Maintenance
- Participatory Micro Planning Processes
- Implementation of Project Interventions in JFM Mode at VSS level
- Approaches of Community Development through Inter-sectoral Convergence
- Constitution of DAC and BLAC
- Initiation of Convergence line Departments
- Mapping of Products for IGA
- Mapping of Market
- Identification of Products with beneficiaries and selection of Cluster locations