Executing Body (EB) consisting of a Project Management Unit (PMU) at the state level, 14 Divisional Management Units (DMUs) at the Divisional Forest Office level and 71 Field Management Units (FMUs) at the Range Office level was established with proper status and support. The PMU is an autonomous Society registered under the Society Registration Act. Operation Manual was prepared as a code of financial, technical and administrative management of the EB In concurrence with the by-laws.
A current vegetation/ land use map (1:50,000) was prepared with GIS technology using satellite imagery, depicting the Forest Division/Range boundaries etc. and was the technical basis for the selection of JFM sites where Project activities will be extended.
The selection of JFM areas for the Project was carried out in three steps, i.e. prioritizing by the EB with a set of minimum requirements, criteria and a rating mechanism and possibly in a cluster approach, confirming community will to participate in JFM through a process of community resolution signed by all VSS members, and finalizing. The number of target villages /JFM areas for a target year in respective Divisions was thus determined and selection was done in 5 phases.
For the JFM sites selected, ground survey was conducted for demarcating the VSS assigned area and prepared maps using DGPS survey in 1:5000 scale depicting the crown density, standing stock, slope category, and other information required for formulation of micro plan.
To execute field inspection, technical assistance and monitoring 18 four-wheel type vehicles and 380 motorcycles were provided for DMUs and FMU respectively.
Preparatory meetings were first conducted at each DMU office with representatives from the FMUs concerned. A general meeting at the state level will be attended by all PMU staff and representatives from DMU/FMU offices.
Forest research component was included to provide appropriate information, data and new technologies to be useful for the implementation of the Project. Different researches were undertaken through universities, NGOs and research organizations. The results of researches would be disseminated through the annual review meeting among EB members and publications.
Web enabled MIS for recording all the project components was initiated in the beginning and the data implementation of the project was entered at FMU level. The FMU level data on all operations such as micro plan, project site descriptions, plantation, harvest and disposal of produce, village level information, and accounting module for expenditure accounting under different budget headlines. the MIS project was subsequently used for integration of with GIS.
In order to monitor and evaluate the progress of work and achievements, the evaluation was done on verifiable indicators to measure the progress and achievements of overall goals, purpose and outputs of the Project.